I walked into work and the janitor asked me if they had fixed the utility sink in the basement. I didn't tell him it was broken. Aparently he helped the owners clean it out when the owner passed awa
But that's not what you're here for! So many of you have asked I thought I'd post some pictures from the house I'm trying to buy!!!!
I mean, I'm a girl, I really like fun dresses, so a closet is important to me.
Here's a bedroom, with windows. After four years in basements, I really like windows.
Love these floors!
Yes, that the other closet in what, hopefully, will soon be my bedroom! Two closets!
Here's the bathtub.
Here's the epic swans. I think I should name them. Any suggestions? I mean, we have to name the swans. Right?
That toilet was made in 1955. They just don't make them like they used to.
Love these mirrors. If everything goes well this week and you want to come over and do yoga or ballet this summer, let me know. Ballet bar in the living room?
And then there is the kitchen. The appliances are my age, but work...
The floor in the kitchen has been recently updated, but the lines aren't quite (read hardly) strait.
But then there is the hardwood floors which are gorgeous.
Love the dining room!
Hey, they are iphone pictures, they can't all be perfect! But I'm still loving the light! Oh to see the sun again.
I'm getting that feeling that life is about to get very, very interesting.
Maybe you should name them barack and michelle? aremt you in the DOC? or Nancy and Harry?