Waiting. I put the offer in on the house I love. Now I'm just waiting. I
feel like I spend so much of my life waiting. Waiting to graduate.
Waiting to find a job. Now I'm waiting to buy a house. Waiting for Mr.
Right to come along. Waiting for kids. Waiting Waiting. I'm part of
Generation ME. We don't wait well. We were told that if things are
moving fast enough, force the matter. We are the masters of distraction
to avoid the hard work of really waiting. We come from a childhood
raised by a TV, and an adolescence and young adulthood playing with our
ipods, watching TV, and texting 17 people at once. We don't know how to
just wait. It, like everything else, takes practice to learn to wait
well. I don't wait for a friend when they are running late. I text then
repeatedly until they tell me where they are and exactly when they will
be there. Then I play temple run or pin things. I don't wait in traffic,
I listen to Pandora and sometimes...text my friend to tell them where I
am when I'm the one running late. Maybe that's why it's so hard to
understand what it means to wait on God's judgment, to wait on Christ's
return. Patience is not something that is valued anymore by the world.
It's up there with self-control on the list of fruits of the spirit I'd
rather ignore. My grandmother always told me not to pray for patience
because you might just get some practice in waiting.
So here I am, trying to wait. Waiting to hear back from this offer, but
hoping this waiting will teach me how to better wait for Christ to
return and finally end this waiting. I've been scouring The Gospel
Coalition blog to read articles on waiting. I've linked some of them
"Waiting, therefore, is not a sign that your world is out of control.
Rather, it is a sign that your world is under the wise and infinitely
attentive control of a God of fathomless wisdom and boundless love. This
means you can rest as you wait, not because you like to wait, but
because you trust the One who is calling you to wait."
This gem is from Paul Trip's Article.
“To wait is not merely to remain impassive. It is to
expect–to look for with patience, and also with submission. It is to
long for, but not impatiently; to look for, but not to fret at the
delay; to watch for, but not restlessly; to feel that if he does not
come, we will acquiesce, and yet to refuse to let the mind acquiesce in
the feeling that he will not come.” – Dr. A.B. Davidson, Waiting on God (quoted in The Hidden Life of Prayer by David McIntyre)
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